
尿道 受伤


If the urethra is injured, a person may develop urethra obstructions or strictures. 尿道 strictures occur when the urethra is injured or scarred by an infection and then narrows. As a result, problems with the normal passage of urine and semen can develop.

尿道 injuries can have devastating long-term consequences, such as potential complications of impotence, 狭窄和尿失禁.

受伤 may affect either the anterior or posterior part of the urethra. 在大多数情况下, anterior urethral trauma is characterized as a blunt injury to the perineum — the area between the 生殖器 and anus — since the urethra is located near the skin in this area. This type of trauma is often the result of straddle-like injuries, such as when a child forcefully straddles a bicycle or fence. Penetrating injuries to the anterior urethra, 比如枪伤造成的, 也可能造成狭窄或阻塞.

Posterior urethral trauma affects the part of the urethra that travels inside the body. This type of trauma almost always occurs as a result of pelvic fractures following automobile accidents, 严重跌倒或工业事故伤害.


UCSF is a national leader in urological care, including treatment for injuries to the kidneys, 膀胱, 生殖器, ureters (the tubes that carry urine from each kidney to the 膀胱) and urethra (the tube that allows the 膀胱 to void urine). We are committed to providing innovative, highly skilled care with compassion.

Treating urethral injuries depends on factors that include the severity of the damage and the patient's health. For those who require reconstructive surgery, our surgeons have expertise in minimally invasive approaches, ureteral reimplantation and many ureteral reconstruction techniques.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

受伤 that cause significant damage to the urethra may lead to urinary strictures or obstructions. As a result, a person may experience a variety of 症状, including:

  • 尿流虚弱或缓慢
  • 运球
  • 尿频
  • 尿急
  • Nocturia, a condition in which a person has to urinate frequently during the nighttime
  • 尿潴留


尿道损伤的诊断, your doctor will begin by asking about any events that may have caused trauma to the urethra, 包括骨盆骨折, straddle injury or penetrating injury near the urethra, 比如枪伤. A thorough physical examination will then be conducted to check for any 症状 associated with urethral injuries. Blood along the perineum or at the meatus, which is the opening of the urethra, are signs of injury. A high-riding prostate gland also may indicate injury to the urethra.

A retrograde urethrogram also may be performed. This imagining test is commonly performed to diagnose urethral injury or narrowing. It is performed in a hospital radiology department, operating room or in a health care provider's office by an X-ray technician under a physician's supervision. 不需要特别准备. Dye is injected directly into the urethra and x射线 被带去检查是否受伤或狭窄.


Treatment of urethral injuries can be complex and depends on a number of factors, including:

  • 损伤的严重程度和部位
  • 病人的健康
  • 是否有其他的伤

In some cases, emergency surgical repair is recommended, but should be limited to select cases. 一般来说, 初次耻骨上膀胱造口术, which involves placing a catheter in the 膀胱 through the lower abdomen, 最安全、最简单的选择是什么.

一旦尿道开始愈合, your doctor will reassess your injury and develop a definitive treatment plan. Reconstructive surgery or the placement of a urethral or suprapubic catheter, which is a tube inserted into the 膀胱 to help drain urine, 可能会被推荐. 在UCSF医疗中心, patients who undergo reconstructive surgery have a high success rate for urethral function and cosmetic appearance.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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